Through our Debi Lilly Extending Smiles Bouquets, we commit to making a positive impact in our community and the world. One way we do this is through partnerships with various non-profit organizations. Every three months, we carefully select a non-profit to work with to make positive impacts in our communities. Therefore, allowing us to support a wide range of causes, making a difference in many people’s lives and reaching new heights.
When you buy an Extending Smiles Debi Lily bouquet, you are helping us make a real difference in the lives of many. With each bouquet sold, a portion of the proceeds goes to the organization of choice. Currently, we have $928,426.50 in donations, just $70,000 away from our current $1 Million goal! Our latest mission had us working alongside Meals on Wheels; This month, we lean our focus back to the National Domestic Violence Hotline.
Within 4 years, Extending Smiles has taken us this close to our goal. We express our deepest gratitude to everyone for their continued support. Your generosity has enabled us to provide awareness and resources to many non-profits; Including domestic violence hotlines, building homes for our troops, providing meals for those homebound, offering better mental health services, and several others.
Thank everyone for your support, and for choosing Extending Smiles at check-out. We are honored to positively impact our community with everyone’s help, and we couldn’t have done it without you. Your support has enabled us to achieve so much, and we look forward to these continued efforts. For more information, visit our Extending Smiles Website, and make sure to learn more about the organizations we work alongside with. Here’s to 2023, the year of reaching new heights!
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